Monday, February 21, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sweden and Japan Body Painting
By some accounts, body painting is a practice that dates back hundreds of years in Venezuela. The artist Penelope Rivera from Mexico said, “Venezuela is a country which has a lot of body art with ethnic characteristics, and I think we have to rescue them and integrate them into modern life.”
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Body Painting is Both Challenging and Amazing
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Body Painting Swimsuit Of Brooklyn Decker
Western Painting - Body Painting
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Fans Holland Ready For World Cup With Body Painting Art
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tattoos, Body art, Body Painting-Self Expression-Friend or Foe
First you need to be tattoo smart. By that I mean you need to do a little research on them. There are many resources across the internet that can give you ideas about placement, coloring, style, design, and pro’s and con’s. From personal observation, I have noticed that certain places on the body can add to your appearance and seductivity and other places can be distracting. Depending on whether you are in the spotlight or just behind the scenes, you need to know how a tattoo will affect your everyday activities.
Most of society has begun to accept tattooing and generally don’t make a big deal about them. I myself, think they add a certain flair to your personality. They are a way of expressing who you are and how you feel about yourself. Remember, they are a permanent part of your body afterwards. They can be very enticing or they can be ridiculous. Some people have made it their objective to completely cover their entire body with tattoos. I don’t really care for this type of practice but, if that is what you want to do this, then go for it.
When and if you decide to get a tattoo, by doing the research first you will be able to make a well informed decision as to where and how you want to display your new form of self expression. Whether they are in the form of flowers, butterflies, animals, and even people, they can add to your self worth. Many of us would like to express ourselves everyday but, we just don’t how. You can through the form of a tattoo.
If you decide to go ahead and purchase a tattoo, please remember that they are expensive to install and remove depending on the size and location. Although they can be removed, there is the possibility of some tissue damage and discoloration.
I am no expert on tattoos and if I was going get one I definitely would research the subject first.